Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Sorry, no good pics from Christmas morning...

I was looking through my picture from Christmas morning and really couldn't find much worth posting. All were spoiled royally, especially by Grandma and Poppa and Aunt Stacy. Everyone got wonderful gifts, including DSs for the older two kids and Hubby. It was pretty funny watching Jared, Stacy my dad and I playing Brain Age 2 on Jared's DS.

Since I don't have any Christmas morning pictures, here are some fun ones of the kids with Santa. Our wonderful neighbors have a fun party every year where Santa comes to visit with the neighbor kids. Dane wouldn't go anywhere near Santa, so sorry, no pics of Dane with Santa, but here are the rest of the kids:

And since I didn't have a Santa pic with Dane, I did find this one of him on Christmas morning. Doesn't he look so cute in his Christmas jammies?

A funny story about the kids and their Christmas jammies:
Usually each kid gets a new pair of jammies from my mom, and they open them on Christmas Eve before bedtime. Since my parents and sister were coming for Christmas, my Mom did not ship their jammies ahead of time. Stacy had to work the night of the 23rd, so they could not leave until about 8AM on Christmas Eve. Normally this would allow them to arrive right around dinner time, which would have been perfect...Well...there just happened to be a big snow storm on Christmas Eve and instead of taking 10 hours, their drive took them 19 hours, most of the drive in chains! Needless to say the kids did not get their jammies on Christmas Eve.
My parents and Stacy finally arrived around 4 in the morning, just in time to set out gifts and for the kids to wake up (I think they heard all of the commotion in setting out the mountain of gifts that my family had brought with them). By 5AM all but Max were wide awake and anxious to go downstairs and see what Santa had brought for them! So, as crazy as we are, we gave the kids their wrapped Christmas jammies, had them open them and of course they had to change out of the jammies they had worn to bed and put on their special, new ones! Yeah, we may be silly, but you HAVE to wear new Christmas jammies on Christmas morning for present opening!


Ashley Newell said...

What a beautiful family you have! And YES, you NEED Christmas jammies on Christmas morning!

Andrea Amu said...

Awww, look at poor Lucas... I take it he wasn't keen on Santa!

Stampin' Meg said...

LOL crying with Santa just totally cracked me up- you mean mean mommy making him sit on that scary guys lap!!! LOLOL

stephmtz said...

We have done that crazy drive in the snow it is miserable. I am so glad that everyone got there safely. What a fun Christmas!!

Christy said...

I loved the pictures, even if some were less then excited about the Santa experience! I am glad you still had them open their PJ's before stockings. You need new pj's at Christmas! I am glad you had a good holiday. Happy New Year!